In search of justice: the film "The Judge" from a storytelling perspective

The Judge is a 2014 drama film directed by David Dobkin and starring Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall. The film tells the story of a successful lawyer, Hank Palmer (Robert Downey Jr.), who returns to his hometown to help his father, a judge (Robert Duvall), acquit himself of a murder charge in court.
Plot and Characters
The film begins with Hank returning to his hometown after he learns of his mother's death. Upon his return, he finds himself embroiled in a lawsuit in which his father is accused of murder. Hank, who has a complicated relationship with his father, tries to make sense of the situation, help his father and find out the truth.

Each character in the film has complex motivations and emotions that lead to complex interpersonal conflicts. Hank, with his own problems and demons, is forced to face past traumas when he has to help his father at times when he himself needs help.
The main themes of the film are
Family relationships and forgiveness

One of the main themes of the film is relationships within the family. "The Judge" explores the difficulties that arise within a family due to misunderstandings, resentment and lack of communication. The film also addresses the theme of forgiveness, showing how forgiveness and understanding can help overcome long-standing resentments.

The legal system and morality
The film deals with issues of the legal system and ethics, raising questions about honesty and the struggle for justice in court. It shows how the court process can affect people's lives and how important it is to discover the truth despite the difficulties.
Personal growth and self-discovery

"The Judge" also addresses the theme of personal growth and self-discovery. The protagonist is forced to face his past mistakes and problems, which helps him to reconsider his values and attitudes.
And these are the techniques of storytelling and screenwriting that we see in the film:
- Alliterative name: Dwight Dickham.

-The Thawing Ice King: Hank, who transforms from a uptight amoral lawyer who doesn't care about his family to a compassionate man who helps his father and reconnects with who he was twenty years ago.

- Character Development Moment: None, but Joseph's first scene, where he presides over a child support hearing, stands out in particular. When the guy protests that he's broke and unemployed, Joseph confiscates his new truck and waves off his protests with a short but important speech about the law. He then tells his ex-wife exactly who to contact at the car dealership when she sells the car, and then makes a detached remark about how to figure out a pregnancy. This is how almost all of his important character traits are laid out in one scene.
My God, what have I done! - Not explicitly stated, but Dickham seems to be worried about winning the case against Joseph to some extent, and ends up helping Joseph get out of prison early.

-Trailers always lie: the film was advertised as a suspense thriller. However, it is just a film about the life of a man who returns home and resolves unresolved issues with his family and love interest. Some critics took it personally.

-"What Now?" - The film ends with Hank contemplating whether he should take his father's job as a judge or return to Chicago.

Acting and directing

Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall perfectly embody their characters, conveying the emotional depth and complexity of their relationships. Director David Dobkin skilfully creates an atmosphere of tension and emotional intensity, combining dramatic moments with the subtle nuances of the characters' experiences.

"The Judge" is a deep and emotional drama that explores complex relationships within a family, issues of morality and personal growth. The film stands out thanks to the excellent acting of the actors, the engaging plot and the carefully crafted thematic aspects, making it a valuable and memorable cinematic work.