The labyrinth as a metaphor: The labyrinth into which the protagonist, Ophelia, finds herself symbolises her inner world and her search for meaning. In the real world, she faces cruelty and oppression, while in the fantasy world, the labyrinth represents a path to self-discovery and inner liberation. This symbolism emphasises the gap between her childlike innocence and the harsh reality.
The faun as guide: The faun who rules the labyrinth symbolises the power of ancient myths and magic. He serves as a guide to the world of fantasy, but also his behaviour highlights the ambiguity of magic - it can be both beneficial and dangerous. The faun thus represents not only the path to liberation, but also the trials that must be passed.
Mythological elements: The film often uses elements of classical mythology. For example, the labyrinth is reminiscent of the Minotaur's labyrinth from Greek myths, which adds depth to the understanding of Ophelia's journey. Also, elements of fauna and other mythical creatures connect to themes of human destiny and choice.