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How to make a background with your own hands

A very quick and clean way
Author of the article: Tatiana Zhakova
Journalist, linguist, teacher of storytelling with 10 years of experience
In 2015 she created and promoted her project about Nizhny Novgorod,, after which she created a course called "Storytelling: How to Tell Your Story" based on it. Over 4,000 students have taken the course.

A linguist by education, she quickly masters new areas. Now she is actively studying screenwriting and storytelling in movies/serials, and writes about it in her project's blog.
Those who do subject photography have an eternal problem: what kind of background to use for a photo shoot. I want to share with you the easiest way to make a photo background with your own hands and at home.

What can be used to make a photo background? You can make a wooden, paper or cardboard photophone, even out of your sweater, but in this article I will describe even more simple and original way.

We'll need:

A piece of wallpaper is 1 meter (usually 40 or 50 cm wide). Wallpaper can, of course, buy in the nearest store, but to make it fashionable and instagrammatic, order it on AliExpress or Shein. Better Shein :) Costs such a piece of 100-300 rubles.

Cardboard, the right size (or slightly larger). You can buy them at Leonardo for about 150 rubles.

Scissors .

Nice music to create a great mood!

I have a separate article where I write, what props for photo shoots can be ordered from China, you can also read, if you interest you:

Algorithm of action:

Placing in a comfortable place, remove all unnecessary things. Put the wallpaper on the cardboard sheet.
Carefully, trying not to damage the wallpaper and not to leave air traces between the sheet and the cardboard, remove the wallpaper from the adhesive layer and glue it to the cardboard. I recommend starting with a corner, and then go straight to the short edge of the cardboard.

(This, by the way, is another argument in favor of wallpaper with Shein - they are easy to peel and stick. And if you buy it in a construction store, will have to bother with glue, a brush and all this)

Everything is brilliantly simple, isn't it? The edge of the wallpaper was missing, you can cut it off later if you want. But I didn't, I'm fine as it is.

And this is what I got:

Вот какие фотографии у меня получились на этом фоне! Согласитесь, не отличить от мраморной плитки?
Этим меня всегда завораживает фотография - можно представить одно за другое, и тебе поверят.

More options:

Here are some more options for the backdrops I made. As you understood, the backdrops can be anything - with bricks, planks, white, black, monochrome, bright! It all depends on your taste and desire. And your goals, of course!

Do you want to master the Art of Storytelling?

Online Course
"Storytelling Basics: How to Tell Your Story"
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - What is storytelling
Lesson 3 - How storytelling influences our brain
Lesson 4 - What makes a good story - Key Elements
Lesson 5 - Story structure

Lesson 6 - Types of conflicts
Lesson 7 - What makes your story personal
Lesson 8 - How to craft a good story
Lesson 9 - A few words about storylines
Lesson 10 - Where to use storytelling