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Top 30 breath-taking iPhone photos

Author of the article: Tatiana Zhakova
Journalist, linguist, teacher of storytelling with 10 years of experience
In 2015 she created and promoted her project about Nizhny Novgorod,, after which she created a course called "Storytelling: How to Tell Your Story" based on it. Over 4,000 students have taken the course.

A linguist by education, she quickly masters new areas. Now she is actively studying screenwriting and storytelling in movies/serials, and writes about it in her project's blog.
Mobile photography is one of the most interesting modern hobbies. Knowing how to take a photo on an iPhone comes in handy when creating a visual for your profile, as well as during a vacation with the family in an exotic country.

To take a good photo on the iPhone, you do not even have to buy an iPhone 13 pro. It's enough just to learn some secrets, how to take a photo on the phone and how to make better quality during processing. Let's take a walk through some iPhone photos and see what makes them tick.

All photos were taken from the Mobile Photo group.
For example, the first photo is a combination of interesting poses of the man and the scarecrow, the setting sun right behind their backs, and the harmony of colors.

The photo with the bench is a very bright color accent against the background of the classic mountain landscape going into the distance. The landscape is centered and the girl's t-shirt echoes the red board perfectly. Photographing in the mountains is always a profitable story - there's a riot of colors, clouds, bright colors, and people that can add up to a good story on their own.
Laconic photos, where there is no visual garbage at all, but there is a lot of one color - white, black, gray - also look very advantageous. As a rule, they have some kind of color accent, and it doesn't have to be a person at all.
Very often for good photos you need to find something unusual. For example, here is this lake Sasyk-Sivash in Crimea with pink water, which perfectly contrasts with the blue sky. Especially when the photo is of a beautiful model in matching attire, the photo becomes truly eye-catching.
To get a good travel photo, try to take pictures on the streets of the new city, not only of the architecture, but also of the people. To do this, don't be afraid to get closer or use the zoom on your iPhone camera if you have one of the latest models. Look for colorful characters and build a story with them.
The light mist and haze over the water is also something unusual that makes for a good shot. The main thing is to remember to adjust the contrast settings to make the picture as pastel as possible.
And this is just basically an ordinary travel photo at sunset - a man walking over the horizon through bright fields. But thanks to light, color and the right composition, just look how harmonious the photo turned out!
Cutting off half a face or half a flower, taking a close-up and forehead-to-face picture of someone are also beautiful and very expressive tricks that are easy to repeat on an iPhone. But catching the moment, as in the case of the cuddling kittens, is a more difficult task that requires attention and courage.
The scale game is a little girl, big haystacks. And the setting sun as a bonus.
Another line of interesting cell phone photos with a good color story.
Sometimes you can get a picture of one corner where there is a colorful door or a bright bush, and the photo looks very stylish and fresh. Look for such moments with your eyes.
Don't be afraid to do lots of takes! Experiment! Take out your phone whenever you see something out of the ordinary! And don't be shy about posting your photos, especially if they provoke discussion.

Do you want to master the Art of Storytelling?

Online Course
"Storytelling Basics: How to Tell Your Story"
Lesson 1 - Introduction
Lesson 2 - What is storytelling
Lesson 3 - How storytelling influences our brain
Lesson 4 - What makes a good story - Key Elements
Lesson 5 - Story structure

Lesson 6 - Types of conflicts
Lesson 7 - What makes your story personal
Lesson 8 - How to craft a good story
Lesson 9 - A few words about storylines
Lesson 10 - Where to use storytelling